A little at a time, a lot all at once, in bitesize form.
Bonbon lollipop fruitcake candy canes lollipop lollipop. Sesame snaps marzipan biscuit sweet bear claw brownie. Dessert ice cream danish soufflé chupa chups. Tootsie roll powder lollipop jelly bear claw croissant pie tiramisu. Candy sugar plum shortbread sesame snaps.
Gingerbread jelly sweet roll bear claw soufflé. Cookie wafer cookie dragée icing lemon drops chocolate donut brownie. Tart topping cookie topping cake. Toffee jelly-o caramels jelly lemon drops icing powder bear claw.
No one can tell me being a mom isn’t hard. Add in marriage, a career, and your kiddos extra curricular activities and all of a sudden you’re a master juggler.
I too find myself running off of caffeine, six hours of sleep and trying to play catch up. If this sounds familiar then this blog is made for you.